Break Free From Microsoft And Google

Dell_XPS_Laptop_FrontIt’s funny really, when you consider how many of us “so called” awake people happily sit here using the internet, totally reliant on Microsoft and Google to control our surfing. And when I say control, I really mean control. We have no idea how much information we are giving these massive globalist corporations each time we start up our laptops, PC’s and smart phones.

Like most people, we are not a single computer household. I have two laptops that I use regularly. The big one that sits on the arm of the sofa to allow me to keep up to date with things, while still being part of the family. This runs on Windows 7, which I still prefer to the awful Windows 8. I use another smaller Acer Travelmate which is far more portable and is usually used at the dinning room table running Windows Vista. My wife, when she can’t get on the “big one” uses a small Acer One net book also on Vista, plus there is this old tower system in the office, which until this week, was really an emergency back up machine running on Windows XP.  Because, as a sort of hobby, I build and repair computers, there are a number of older laptops in the garage which could be used if needed.

Anyway, while laid up with this bug that’s been doing the rounds for the last few months (it was a heavy cold, not Flu, and no, even though work tried their hardest to get me to have the free poison jab, I have survived without it for yet another year), I started thinking about using alternatives to the globalist controlled operating systems browsers and search engines.

Apple is a very good alternative. My daughter, who is both a musician and photographer, uses a 27″ iMac, but that’s in her room, and certainly out of bounds to the likes of me. Plus it’s not exactly “Globalist free” computing, but she needs Photoshop and Logic Pro, so that’s her choice.

So where else do we go? The answer is of course Linux. Always seen as a fringe system, can it really replace the Windows? Well the answer is a big fat yes. I’m sitting here in the office, using a real keyboard, using and old tower with a freshly installed version of Ubuntu 14.10 and it’s brilliant. Blistering fast compared to Windows, and completely Gates free. It is very easy to personalise, comes with the wonderful Firefox browser. There is a non Google version of of Chrome if you really insist, and as for Internet Explorer, who still uses that anyway?

Ubuntu is one of dozens of systems based on the Linux framework. Mint is another good one, or Lubuntu if you really want the old XP experience.

As for a good search engine, again, here there is a lot of choice, but I’ve opted for Duck Duck Go.

OK, this is all very well, but what about software. Microsoft Office is still the market leader, but that, thank goodness isn’t available for Linux. The good news is that Open Office or the slightly better Libre Office is, and to be honest, I’ve been using them for years.  In fact, there are thousands of really good open source software titles out there, all produced by people who put quality before profit.

So far, this old tower is now windows free, the netbook has also been converted. I’m changing over the Travelmate as soon as possible. As for the main laptop, I will keep Windows 7, only because I use Photoshop a lot and understand the program, but will install Ubuntu to run as a twin system. Gimp is a fantastic Photoshop alternative, but because it doesn’t use “actions”, and to be honest, Photoshop cost me a lot of money, I’m not yet ready to say goodbye altogether, but for general use,  blogging and keeping Alternative-News-Network on line, I will be using it in Ubuntu mode.

So there we have it, I feel cleansed and free from Gates and Google. And before anyone says “you have Adsense on ANN”, yes we do, it’s a means to an end and helps keep the site online. If you have a better suggestion to help pay for the hosting and bandwidth ANN uses, please let me know because I would love to get rid of it.


Stephen Fry To Marry Partner Elliott Spencer, 30 Years His Junior.

Fry and Spencer 1Is it just  me, or does this give you an uncomfortable feeling? You see, Stephen Fry is one of those lovely old establishment  national treasures, much like the Queen Mother, who it is said is nothing like he appears on the surface.

The wonderful Coleman Experience wrote this last year.

“Fry once wrote a play about paedophilia in schools:

Plans to stage a comedy penned by actor Stephen Fry about paedophilia in a public school were condemned today.

The award-winning play, which details a homosexual affair between a teacher and his 13-year-old pupil, is to be staged at Edinburgh’s Festival Fringe.

But Latin! Or Tobacco and Boys, billed as “a play in two unnatural acts”, has come under fire from a children’s charity and city councillors.

A theatre company is about to sign a contract to stage the comedy as part of the Fringe programme.

Cambridge-based Activated Image said the play celebrated “the love of a man for a 13-year-old boy”.

But the leisure and culture spokesman for Edinburgh’s Conservative Party, James Gilchrist, attacked it as “gratuitous smut”.

He said: “Stephen Fry’s contribution to the world of theatre could be written on the back of a postage stamp.

“What kind of person thinks that paedophilia is funny? Hopefully theatre-goers will have the good sense to give this a wide berth.”

Lorraine Gray, of charity Children 1st, said: “We work with young victims of abuse who have been scarred for life by their experiences.

“So we would be very concerned about any play that legitimises or trivialises the exploitation of young people by those in a position of trust.”

The play, set in a remote old-fashioned boys’ school, depicts a relationship between effete Latin teacher Dominic Clark and his star pupil.

Described as a “weird, wonderful and just a little twisted comedy”, the play, which Fry wrote as a Cambridge undergraduate in 1979, contains scenes of sadomasochism.”  Source

Of course, to be fair to Fry, “It’s all done in the name of art darling”.

Anyway, good luck to Stephen Fry and his 30 years younger fresh faced partner Elliott G Spencer. I hope things don’t turn sour when Stephen starts to lose his looks.

Fry and Spencer june 2014

Fry and Spencer

Fry and Spencer April 2014

Google AdSense to News Site: Change Your Content, or Else.

google-adsense-to-news-site-change-your-content-or-else-v3-620x335Interesting piece on ZDNet about Google.

Summary: Google’s AdSense has told San Francisco news outlet The SF Appeal that it has three days to remove editorial content that violates its advertising policy. UPDATED.

Google’s AdSense has told San Francisco news outlet The SF Appeal that it has three days to remove editorial content that violates its advertising policy.

SF Appeal Publisher Eve Batey said, “Your advertisers shouldn’t be telling you what to cover in your publication.” She added, “that Google seems to think that it’s OK to send a vague email like this is pretty staggering, and seems to suggest that the company is not the friend to journalism they claim they are.”

Update: Google’s spokesperson responded to this article saying that despite Ms. Batey’s email from AdWords telling her otherwise (included in this article), Ms. Batey and ZDNet are incorrect to believe that AdWords is requiring content to be changed.

Google’s spokesperson clarified that this news website must follow the Google AdWords adult content policy.

Google said this morning via email, “We don’t comment on specific publishers, but below is a general statement. Also here is more on our adult content policies. Your headline is inaccurate — we don’t require publishers to change their content. They cannot run ads against content that is not in line with the policies (so they could take the ads off those pages and still run them elsewhere on the site).”

Ms. Batey responded, “Given the email sent to us by Google, then, Google’s remark that “they could take the ads off those pages and still run them elsewhere on the site” isn’t accurate.”

“That said, this response does a terrible job of even pretending to address the question posed, nor the issues raised in your report.” read more:

Does LBC Censor Any Mention Of David Icke?

You’ve got to love James O’Brien on LBC, that’s Leading Britains Biased Conversation.

Now, I’ve got to admit that I enjoy listening to James. His command of the English language is is superb, taking no prisoners when callers annoy him, although unusually flexible to having his opinion changed if a good argument is offered. Coming from a journalistic background, James followed his wonderful father into the once noble profession. Mystery hour on a Thursday between 12.00 and 13.00 is also compulsive listening.

David-Icke & James O'BrienJames works for LBC which is owned by Global Radio, part of the Heart, Capital FM, Classic FM, XFM, Gold and Smooth Radio group. Global, under the Heart brand, have taken over much of the old Independent Radio network. Good small local commercial stations becoming homogenised into a massive impersonal mind numbing network.

James does however show his true colours when the “conspiracy theory” alarm goes off as a caller on Mondays show found out. The discussion was centered around the Child Abuse inquiries after the resignation of Fiona Wolfe. This caller wanted to put forward the view that child abuse in high political life was nothing new, and dared to say that David Icke wrote about it years ago. At the mention of Ickes name, O’Brien terminated the call immediately . Now to be fair to O’Brien, the end of the call did sound a little odd, so the seven second delay button may have removed something that could not legally be broadcast, but to me it sounded like he was just cut off.

This makes me wonder, was it his choice to refuse to discuss someone, who’s views have been shown to be correct time after time, or does the aptly named Global Radio have a special panic button. After all, James iain-dale-fight-3-460x288Whale who was never frightened to include Icke when he worked for Talk Sport, was allegedly shafted by Global when he worked for LBC, replacing him with Iain “Kick Up” Dale. Good choice Global, good choice.

Cameron Goes To War With EU Over £1.7 Billion! You’ve Got To Laugh

Cameron and Hollande.

Cameron and Hollande.











Anyone would think there was an election next year. The Mails headline today

“One step closer to the exit: Cameron goes to war on £1.7 BILLION bill as he hints Britain will vote to leave EU… but why was he kept in the dark about shock demand?”

You can almost hear the conversation, “Qu’allons-nous faire au sujet de l’UKIP François?” “Ne vous inquiétez pas David, nous allons trouver un moyen de vous faire paraître puissant, laissez-moi faire et Jose”


Millions of Ebola vaccine doses by end of 2015.

ebola vaccineNice to see on the BBC today some good news about Ebola. ” see here

“Millions of doses of experimental Ebola vaccines will be produced by the end of 2015, the World Health Organization has announced.

It said “several hundred thousand” would be produced in the first half of the year.

And vaccines could be offered to health workers on the frontline in West Africa as soon as December 2014.

However, the WHO cautioned that vaccines would not be a “magic bullet” for ending the outbreak.

There is no proven cure or vaccine for Ebola.

In response to the largest epidemic of the disease in history, the WHO is accelerating the process of vaccine development

It normally takes years to produce and test a vaccine, but drug manufacturers are now working on a scale of weeks.”

Well, that’s OK then, just remind me who is behind the World Health Organisation? Could it be the same people that run big pharma! KA-CHING.



Just A Thought.

I’ve been a bit busy recently, rebuilding the other site yet again, and generally taking a forced break from the horrendous game of world chess being played out at the moment. It actually is quite a healthy thing to step away and take a bit of time just observing what is going on.

But we are back, mainly because I’ve got ANN running the way I want it too, at last. Still needs some tweaking, but at least it’s working again.

These are very troubling times. The Elites are playing out the end game, and doing their best to silence any opposition. The Alternative media is a mess, with continued in fighting. They say the best way to control any opposition is with divide and rule and that is certainly true at the moment.

How do you know who is telling the truth, who should you believe, who should you follow? The answer is, believe no one, follow no one, be the master of your own thoughts. Use the Alternative media as a way to look at events from a different perspective. Do your own research and trust in yourself.

I’ve always said, don’t ever just take my word for anything. Just because I believe something to be true doesn’t make it true. Do I blindly believe everything Spivey says, of course not. The fact that he believes it to be true and has certainly spent far more time than I ever would researching his material is enough reason for me to trust his integrity, but I decide what I believe, just as you should.

We are in this situation because people allow the news media to shape their opinions. “We are all going to die from swine flu, please pump me full of chemicals to save me”. It’s no different with the Alternative media. Just because Icke say’s the Mrs Windsor is a reptile doesn’t mean she is, work it out for yourself.

As for Spivey, I follow my gut feelings about people and he is one of the good guys.

BBC Children In Need. “God Only Knows” Why We Fall For This Every Year!

TelI was quite enjoying the first showing of the Children In Need “God Only Knows” song last week, until Reg Dwights fat face appeared on the screen and I realised what I was watching. Now I enjoy ironic humour as much as the next person, but really, that is pushing the boundaries just a tad too far. I’m surprised Bonio didn’t make an appearance with Angelina Ballerina Jolie doing the Cheryl Tweedy Cole Fernandez-Versini crying stuff. Cheryl is of course a great supporter of Children in need and helping the community, after all, she did give upcheryl-cole-rose-tattoo-bottom-300x300 120 hours of her time back in 2003 doing community service. Yes I know, I shouldn’t stoop to toilet attendant comments. Hey do you remember that Lynn Anderson song in the 1970’s “I Never Promised You A Rose Garden.” Not sure why that suddenly flashed into my head.

So back to the outrageous money making, career enhancing con that is Children In Need, no doubt hosted again this year by Sir Terry (It wasn’t my job to expose Savile) Wogan see here. It seems, according to today’s Mail that they are sitting on £87.7 million. Just think about that when they come begging.



Blair Warns Britain Needs To Take Action In Iraq And Syria – Or Face Terror Attacks.

Blair on SKYJust when I was having a really enjoyable Sunday tending to my veg in the garden, I decided to take a 10 minute sit down for a cup of tea and a quick scan of the latest MSM tosh. OMG, I wasn’t disappointed.

I remember reading some time ago, that people like Blair are such narcissistic characters, so detached from the real world that they really have no understanding of even care about how transparent their agenda is.

Anthony  Charles Lynton Blair this morning said Britain needed to take action in Iraq and Syria – or face terror attacks at home. Nice one Tony, how is the Middle Eastern Peace Envoy job going?

How on earth does a discredited man creature like Blair have the gall to dare give his opinion on anything these days is beyond me, and should be beyond any sane thinking person.  The only thing he has ever been ever fairly good at is  being  a smarmy yes man to the globalist masters pulling the strings, oh and making a vast fortune since leaving Downing Street, prostituting himself to anyone willing to pay hard cash to hear him talk, part time jobs with JPMorgan Chase(I wonder who they are connected to?) and scurrying around the Middle East jumping from conflict to conflict. 

At school  he was a complete pain in the backside and they were very glad to see the back of him source. He tired his hand at being a rock music promoter, and failed. He played in a rock band called (you’re going to love this) Ugly Rumours. He went to Oxford and got a 2nd, then moved in with Derry Irvine Chambers, where he met Elsie Tanners step daughter. He wasn’t great at the legal profession, completely out shone by Ms Booth. In the Nethermere (St Neots) Ltd v Gardiner case, he was representing the employers who where fighting to deny female workers holiday pay; he lost. However, Derry Irvine later became Blair’s first Lord Chancellor, so it wasn’t a complete waste of time. Talk about jobs for the boys.

It is alleged that during this period, in 1983 to be exact, a Charles Lynton was was fined £50 for attempted soliciting in city toilets, the police notes were to disappear later along with several prior verbal warnings. I mention this because for the system to function, the powers need very naughty stuff to blackmail their puppets, and it seems Blair has quite a few skeletons in his closet.

So here we have it, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, saying on SKY News, yes, even that made me laugh, oh the irony of it, SKY News of all places. SKY News for any none UK readers is the UK equivalent of FOX News, and controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Rupert Murdoch is the former husband of Wendi Deng, who it has been alleged, mainly by the Daily Mail was a little to close to Anthony Charles Lynton Blair source.

Murdoch and Wendi

I don’t really buy this story, (although I have enjoyed writing about it previously), it has a whiff of the Cliffords about it. How better to confuse questions about Blair’s sexual preferences than by creating a story about him over the side with Wendi. It’s a real shame her and Lord Murdemort have split up, they always looked so well suited to each other. (Tale as old as time)

Anyway, dragging myself back to the point at hand, SKY News, the free voice of the globalists, gave Blair a platform, and did the BBC,  to warm about ISIS, and how if we don’t get involved, the terrorist threat will be even greater than it currently is after he and boy Bush sent other peoples children into Iraq and Afghanistan on the back of a lie to justify Blair’s sycophantic grovelling deal made to Dubber previously.

So Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, even for the less awakened members of the British Public, you are a totally discredit has been, who will one day have to answer for your betrayal of the honest men and women in the street, who put their trust in you, and were let down in the most dishonorable manner when you sold your soul to the devil.

For everyone’s sake, please keep your opinions to yourself, we don’t trust you, we don’t like you, and most of all, we don’t want you to hear from you.

Love is a many splendid thing. Bit of a funny old handshake?

Love is a many splendid thing.


End Sexual Violence in Conflict. Angelina Jolie and William Hague.

Don’t they make a great, and I have to say unlikely couple, Angelina Jolie and William Hague at the “End Sexual Violence in Conflict” summit.

The MSM are claiming Jolie was moved to tears after listening to victims of sexual assault speak about their experience.

jolie and hague


Good performance, Angelina, what is your profession again? Oh an actress, shame you weren’t  moved enough to actually produce real tears.


Look just for the record, here is how it’s done by true pro’s.


George Osborne at Thatchers Funeral

George Osborne at Thatchers Funeral

See the difference! If you buy this load of garbage, you’ll buy anything.

Bum Gate. Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton’s Exposed Bottom Shunned By UK Tabloids.

Kate BumWhat a load of old fanny, well, not exactly true, as it was her back bottom exposed in the German press today, not her front, but you get the point. Although the self-righteous British media refused to print the sneaky peaky shot of Goldilocks Middleton’s derrière,  they still filled a lot of column inches talking about it. Whether it is the fall out after Leverson, or that they smelt a big fat rat, who knows. Even LBC, London Broadcasting Corporation,  London’s Biggest Conversation, Leading Britain’s Conversation,  “Loada” Biased Codswallop, got in on the act today, with old Fleet Street hack, the Murdoch loving Nick Ferrari conducting an on air poll to see if they should publish the image or not. with the result unsurprisingly being not to publish. If you really want to see the image, go to Bild here. We have covered up the cheeky bits, not because we are frightened of publishing the Royal keister, after all it’s not the first “up skirt” shot of Kate, but Bild paid good Euro’s to secure the rights to her tuchas photo (I’m running out of bottom words, although that last one is quite apt, very Jewish), so there must be copyright issues here.

My real feeling is that she, and Prince Willy, were well aware of the chances of a good bum shot happening. After all, Willy is a helicopter pilot, so he must have at least a basic understanding of up draft, or whatever it’s called. It happened before in Canada, when again her posterior was exposed to the public. As my old mum would have said, “at least wear a slip dear, or some sensible knickers”

dianaWilly’s mum, St Diana of Goldsmith (allegedly) fell foul to the skirt gaff very early in her media manipulating career, so you would have thought they would learn by their mistakes. Hang on, that shot got huge media coverage all over the world!

Or were they hoping to get the cheeky shot covered by the UK media to force more control on them, you know, the invasion of privacy stuff, and the UK media decided on mass not to bite? Nah, I don’t buy that one, seeing as how the media is controlled by the Global Elite.

Or were they hoping that the alternative media would jump on the publish and be damned bandwagon. Can’t see that either, because this happened in public, so there can’t be a privacy issue, and as for bad taste and offensive, not a chance. £2 million to refurbish Kensington Palace for this pair, now that’s offensive.

There is however quite a history of naughty Royal snaps. It is said that Princess Maggie had a bit of bother with some porno quality photos of her and a close friend who didn’t exactly fit the normal Royal boy friend demographics. Up kilt shots of both Prince Philip Battenberg and Prince Charles Saxe-Coburg and Gotha aka Charles Windsor. Shots thought to be of Prince Andrew full frontal naked jumping into a lake, the famous Sarah “Massey” Ferguson  topless toe sucking. Shots reportedly showing Willy’s willy, and of course the holiday snaps of Kate topless, so by these standards, a pair of bum cheeks is quite tame.

No, which ever way I look at it, my conclusion, they knew full well there was a good chance of the “botty shotty”. Why else would she wear a flimsy dress and thong (if indeed she is wearing any underwear at all). Or they are just simply incredibly naive and stupid.

North Korea, MSM Lies Exposed As Hyon Song-Wol Reportedly Appears On TV

Hyon-Song-WolNorth Korea, MSM Lies Exposed As Hyon Song-Wol Reportedly Appears On TV. It’s a miracle, Hyon Song-Wol the executed former girlfriend of Kim Jong-Un has made an appearance on TV delivering a speech at a national art workers rally in Pyongyang, so reports the Mail this morning see here, after reporting her execution on 29 August last year. see here

Fascinating stuff, and a great example of how these controlled media outlets demonise whoever their current target is. Just a few months later, the Mail reported that his Uncle was stripped naked and fed to a pack of dogs. see here.

Incidentally, in the report today, they can’t even get the country Kim Jung-Un is leader of correct,here’s a screen shot taken at 05.35 this morning.

North Kor

No dear Daily Mail editors, Kim Jung-Un is the leader of North Korea, not South Korea, for gods sake, try to get the basics correct. If you’re going to make stuff up, at least make it believable.

The point here is that we know nothing about North Korea, most people don’t even know where North Korea is, so when the media report these “boggie man ” stories, most of us accept it as fact. Here’s another example of the media campaign against Kim Jung-Un. see here. I’m no apologist for North Korea, but will not base my judgement of that country on the propaganda spread by the West, look where that got us with Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam, Syria, oh, and so on.

Saint Gary Barlow Tax Avoidance Hypocrite.

gary barlowAnyone who has read previous posts on here will know that I’m not a big fan of celebrity “do gooders” and all the wonderful work they do for “charity mate”.Gary Barlow OBE is a prime example of these self-important hypocrites.

He is without doubt a very talented writer and musician, no argument from me on that one, he has become very wealthy because of his talents, again, no problem here. Where I have a major problem with these people is their very public support for charities like Comic Relief & Children in Need, while hidden in the shadows they are scheming together to find ways to avoid paying tax. Now on the surface that may seem to be fair enough, after all, who likes to pay tax?

What is being missed by the thousands of adoring fans of Saint Gary Barlow is that you’re all being played as total mugs!. We all sit there watching Children in need, along comes Peter Kaye, or James Corden with some Gary Barlow related song or sketch, and we, the downtrodden lowlife plebs at the bottom of the food chain pledge money we can’t afford to help children, or disadvantaged people around the world, who shouldn’t be in that situation in the first place. Because they are so good at convincing us to support these orchestrated good causes, they get awards, i.e. an OBE, or even a Knighthood from the Queen, whose personal wealth could solve these problems overnight, and still leave her with more than enough. The trouble is, the adoring Barlow fans are probably the same people who believe the Royal family myth, but that’s another story.

Anyway, lets just suspend reality for a moment and pretend that the motivation behind Barlow’s charity work is genuine, why go to such lengths to avoid paying his fair share of tax? The only answer is greed. The more you’ve got, the more you want. Look here’s the bottom line, every rich celebrity or indeed anyone who avoids paying their share of tax, increases your tax burden, and this applies to giant corporations  whose whole setup is to get maximum profit with minimum tax.

I’m sure Gary is a lovely boy, but by trying to avoid paying tax, he’s stealing from you and me.

Mail Pushing The “Global Warming” Hoax, Again. Give Me Strength, And A Snorkel.

Oh Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, I expected better from you. As science and technology journalist for the Mail you’ve really pulled out all of the globalist stops today! To be totally honest Ellie, after reading your piece titled Would YOU be underwater if the polar caps melted? Map reveals what our planet would look like if sea levels rose by 260ft” I had to check the date, no, it wasn’t April 1st.

What really hacks me off about these scare mongering pieces is that they are designed to spread fear in order to justify the global warming con trick forcing crippling carbon taxes on all of us.

I’m not going to do a line by line breakdown of the whole article like Spivey does for two reasons, I don’t have the time, or the intellect, however, a few things do need pointing out.

I worked on this map for about, gathering the data and rendering all the labels,’ said Mr Vargic, speaking to MailOnline. ‘It was entirely digitally hand-drawn, based on gathered topography data from Nasa.” (1)Exactly how long is about? (2)This post is entirely digitally hand typed. (3) We all trust everything NASA tell us.

‘I was always interested in the future climate change and human influence on the global warming. I created these maps both to raise awareness about the global warming and also because nobody has yet done this on such a scale” I can see that, I’m interested in future climate change, that’s why I watch the weather forecast.  Human influence on global warming, nice one, say it often enough and they all believe it. Oh, and nobody has done this on such a scale because nobody else wanted to waste their time on this nonsense.

Don’t get me wrong, the map is great, in fact the best piece of digitally hand drawn work I’ve seen in ages, based a a big fat global lie.



“According to recent studies, there is enough ice in Earth’s polar caps to cause about 250-300ft (80–100m) rise of the sea level,’ he said on his website.” This one’s got me a bit confused. Firstly, and I may be wrong here because I was educated by the same system that is trying to destroy us, the ice at the north pole is floating. So it must be floating on water, with me so far. OK, now when Archimedes’ went all wrinkly sitting in his bath working out his principle  that when upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces, he sort of hit upon something. Therefore the amount of ice at the north pole has already displaced it’s own weight in water, so if it melts, which it isn’t going too, there is no change. Try it yourself, get a glass of water and pop a couple of ice cubes in, thus simulating the north pole. Mark the level of water on the glass. Come back when the ice cubes have melted, Eureka no change. Please note, this isn’t technically 100% correct but near enough to make the point.

On 8 September 2013, the Mail wrote a lovely little piece on Global Cooling, and how the Arctic ice is increasing, read here

MoS2 Template Master

Anyway, not to be out done, we have created a digitally hand drawn map to show what will happen if the water rises by 8848.1 meters.

gore map

And finally, I’m fairly sure that Co2 increases because of the planet warming due to normal climate variations, mainly influenced by the sun, not the other way round. They can’t yet tax the air we breathe in,  so they tax the Co2 we breathe out. I’m off to watch some cows farting.

Nick Clegg, Liar Or Not Fit For Purpose. Said He Knew Nothing About Paedophile Cyril Smith.

I know I covered this yesterday, but that was very much a copy and paste, with a bit of Photoshop chucked in for good measure. The more my tiny blog head thinks about this story the more I believe Cleggs stance has cornered him into an impossible position. If he did know about Cyril Smith pre Simon Danczuk’s revelations, he is simply a liar. If, as he claims, he didn’t know about the Smith paedo allegations, he is so out of touch with the real world and indeed the liberal half of his own party, what the hell is he doing in the job in the first place. Let’s not forget, Clegg started his political life working for Leon Brittan on the EU gravy train, so it’s not as if he hasn’t been around a bit.
Talking of Leon Brittan, isn’t it rather odd that when you Google Cyril Smith, you get the following suggestions.
google cyril smith

OK, I can understand why Simon Danczuk is there, Jeremy Thorpe, well we all remember the “beam up Scottie” jokes, David Steel, knew Uncle Cyril liked a bit of bare bottom boy spanking, Sidney Cooke, that’s easy, prolific paedophile, but I just can’t put my finger on why Nick Cleggs old boss Leon Brittan is there? When Bill Maloney challenged Nick Clegg about Leon Brittan on budget day, Nick couldn’t remember much about that either.

Anyway, back to Clegg, the Cyril Smith story has been around the MSM since his death. Clegg said that he had never heard of any rumours around Sir Cyril’s behaviour despite the allegations being reported in Private Eye in 1979. All very strange.

The other thing that I found odd today, the Mail did a nice bit about Squirming Cleggie, publishing the following image.


The byline mentions Smith, Thorpe,& Steel, but totally ignores former leader Jo Grimond, very sloppy if you ask me. Read more

Nick Clegg Knew Nothing About Paedophile Cyril Smith.

ManuelClegg1aIn true Manuel style, Nick Clegg insisted that he “knew nothing” about the paedophile Cyril Smith.

Speaking to Nick Ferrari At Breakfast, the Liberal Democrat leader says he was unaware of abuse claims against the former MP until they were revealed to the Commons in 2012.

Simon Danczuk, current MP in Rochdale where Sir Cyril served, has written an explosive book detailing allegations against the former Liberal MP. Newspaper front pages this morning insisted Mr Clegg must have known about the claims.

But the Deputy Prime Minister told LBC: “The suggestion that I had known any of this, I would have carried on regardless is absurd.

“These are montrous things that appear to have happened and they need to be looked into by the police.”

Mr Clegg said that as soon as Simon Danczuk made the claims in the House of Commons the Party began investigating.

“The Whips’ office in my Party went and spoke to every single current member of the House of Lords and current member of the House of Commons who was around at the time of Cyril Smith and said ‘did you know anything?’ No-one said they did,” Mr Clegg said.

“We even scoured what little documentation there is from that time but remember, as I keep saying, the Party was formed in 1989. Many, many if not most of these events are alleged to have taken place before the Party was formed. There is simply no documentation.”

The Deputy Prime Minister – and father of two young boys – also emphasised that he was only 12 years old at the time the incidents are alleged to have taken place and was outraged at suggestions he could have been aware of them before they became public.

“Do you really think I would have praised Cyril Smith when he died if I even had an inkling of the monstrous things he is alleged to have been doing? It is absurd to suggest that I would have done otherwise.

“I know that people say ‘you must know something’ I can only tell you what I did and didn’t know, I’m not going to start inventing that I knew things that I didn’t know.

“A lot of these things took place many, many, many years ago, many of them actually stretching way back to before I was around, before my Party was around.

“I now read and I heard in late 2012 what Simon Danczuk has said, they’re very serious. It is repulsive, it is repugnant the actions of this man, they need to be looked at, they are of a criminal nature and they need to be looked at by the police.”

However speaking on LBC following this week’s Call Clegg Mr Danczuk was sceptical of the Deputy Prime Minister’s assertions.

“I think it is inconceivable that the leader of the Liberal Democrats would not have heard these rumours. You’ve got to bear in mind, I’ve been researching this issue, we had a Liberal leader of the council in Rochdale back in the ’60s knowing about these allegations.”

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Tamiflu: drugs given for swine flu ‘were waste of £500m’. There’s a surprise.

tamiflu-_2877735bInteresting headline in the Telegraph today. I like the Telegraph who, just in case you had forgotten, led on the Maria Miller story. The article starts ” Drug Tamiflu does nothing to halt the spread of influenza and Government wasted nearly £500 million stockpiling it over swine flu pandemic, study finds”. Anyone who has followed the Swine Flu hoax for any time will already know this, but it’s great to see the MSM highlighting what an absurd waste of money the stock piling was.

It’s not as if the information about Tamiflu wasn’t already available. Here’s what Mike Adams of Natural News wrote in 2006.

“According to a list compiled by Dr. Patricia Doyle at, a host of strange ingredients are used to make up Hoffman-La Roche’s anti-flu drug Tamiflu, which has recently been connected with bizarre behavior, mostly in children.

Patients using Tamiflu — which many nations are stocking up on as a way to combat a possible pandemic of the deadly H5N1 bird flu — reported delirium, hallucinations, delusions, convulsions, disturbed consciousness and abnormal behavior. The FDA reports that side effects reported with Tamiflu include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bronchitis, stomach pain, dizziness and headache.

Three people on the drug have committed suicide by leaping to their deaths, and one Japanese child reportedly ran out of his house and responded to his name in growls after treatment.

According to Doyle and internet drug index, the 75-milligram Tamiflu capsules contain:

Oseltamivir phosphate – The active ingredient in Tamiflu
Black iron oxide (E172) 
Croscarmellose Sodium 
FD&C Blue 2 (indigo carmine, E132) – A synthetic dye
Gelatin – A protein product traditionally made with animal byproducts
Pregelatinised maize starch Red iron oxide (E172) Shellac – A “natural plastic” secreted from the female lac insect. Sodium Stearyl Fumarate Talc – Preliminary links between talc and pulmonary issues, lung cancer, skin cancer and ovarian cancer have been established in studies 
Titanium dioxide (E171) Yellow iron oxide (E172)

The 12-milligram oral suspension of Tamiflu contains:

Saccharin sodium (E954) – A chemical sweetener linked to cancer in some studies
Sodium benzoate (E211) – When combined with absorbic acid (vitamin C), sodium benzoate can form benzene, a known carcinogen
Sodium dihydrogen citrate (E331 (a)) 
Sorbitol (E420) – A sugar substitute that can cause gastrointestinal problems
Titanium dioxide (E171) 
Tutti Frutti flavor 
Maltodextrins (maize) 
Propylene glycol – Although generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA, propylene glycol is used as a food-grade antifreeze and is the primary ingredient of the paint inside a paintball
Arabic gum (E414) 
Natural identical flavoring substances (mainly banana, pineapple and peach) 
Xantham gum (E415) 

Doyle warns that the reactions possibly linked to the drug warrant caution and she suggests that anyone who has reacted to Tamiflu in the past discontinue use and consult a medical professional. She adds that the medicines chlorpropamide, methotrexate and phenylbutazone may adversely react with Tamiflu.

“This list of ingredients is downright amazing,” said Mike Adams, author of “How to Beat the Bird Flu.” “It contains an antifreeze used to winterize RVs, a chemical sweetener known to promote cancer, and a chemical preservative also known to promote cancer. Is it any wonder this drug, with all its chemical interactions, causes some people to go crazy and leap from tall buildings?

“This is yet one more reason why the public needs to be informed about safe, natural anti-viral herbs and bird flu remedies,” he said. “The active ingredient in Tamiflu is derived from a Chinese medicine herb, for example, yet no public official is telling people the name of that herb. They want Americans to buy the high-profit medicines, not stock up on natural herbs.”

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But, still the government went ahead and stock piled £500m of the stuff for a drug that gave no more benefit than paracetamol, but with significantly higher risks. So there you have it, a fake flu epidemic to give £500m of our money to the big pharma, brilliant.

Here’s the article in the Telegraph.